ACADEMIC YEAR 2020- 2021
What’s the Buzz
Helping my Secondary level students to see the world through colourful, artistic eyes and to express themselves creatively.

This is your news article. Include the full article, a blog post or a memo with an exciting update regarding your school. Keep it interesting and relevant, and don’t forget to include an engaging photo or video.

1st Form Topic:
2nd Form Topic:
Learning from the Masters
3rd Form Topic:
First Form Content (The week of the 21st- the 25th of September, 2020.) Students should make notes in their note books.
Second Form Content (The week of the 21st- the 25th of September, 2020.) Unit 1: Learning from the masters Topic: A survey of local and international 2Oth venture masters in Visual Arts Definition of terms - [ ] Watch this video on What is Visual Arts ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxud6JYxRYw ....make your notes from it. Write this is your note books as well. - [ ] Who is a a master in Visual Arts.....A master in Visual Arts is a person who acquires complete knowledge or skill in art). - [ ] What is the 20th century? ....It covers the years 1901-2000. - [ ] Who is a local master artist? It’s a person relating or restricted to a particular area or one's neighbourhood or country for example Cecil Baugh(Potter) - [ ] Who is an international Visual artist?...This refers to those masters of Visual Arts who are not from Jamaica or the country that you are in. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.largeup.com/2013/03/19/toppa-top-10-ten-jamaican-visual-artists-you-should-know/amp/ read and write a little about each in your note books.
Third Form Content (The week of the 21st- the 25th of September, 2020.) *(Please record the notes and watch the video on Contour Drawing. See Youtube link.)* What is a Drawing? A classic drawing is an artwork created from lines or areas of tone created with a drawing instrument such as a graphite pencil, charcoal, colored pencil, silverpoint, eraser, dry pastel, or another dry medium on a piece of paper. In a broader definition of the term, a drawing is a two-dimensional artwork created from lines or tone that is dominated by a dry medium but can include wet mediums such as ink, and washes of paint. Source: Marion Boddy- Evans via https://www.liveabout.com/definition-of-drawing-2577536 What is a Contour drawing? A Contour Drawing is a simplified representation of something, usually on a flat surface, that is done by using dry media such as: Pencils, pens, chalk and so on. Task: In your sketch pad, attempt a contour drawing of your hand. YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu9sUWLfGng

This is your news article. Include the full article, a blog post or a memo with an exciting update regarding your school. Keep it interesting and relevant, and don’t forget to include an engaging photo or video.

Changing your outlook on Visual Arts, shifting your perspective. Think, create, have FUN!
WELCOME STUDENTS, PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. Here at VISUAL ARTS 101, I empower students to ask insightful questions, explore disciplinary boundaries and confront conventional ways of thinking and creating re VISUAL ARTS and life at large. I am an Edna Manley College and University of Technology trained educator with 14 years of Academic experience under my belt, I am proud to say. Therefore, I am confident that whatever your problems in this subject are, we can work through them together. Check out my personalised site to learn more about all that I have to offer to help make your learning experience a rewarding one.
THE QUEEN'S SCHOOL (Visual Arts Students only)
Contact Us
VISUAL ARTS 101 always has its doors open. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions regarding Visual Arts at the Secondary Level.
Home Based/The Queen's School, Jamaica, West Indies.