Shericka Brown- Form 1K
Kerronea Bowen- Form 1K
Taslyma Hayles- Form 1Q
Okayla Osbourne- Form 1Q
Shanae Bell- Form 1W
2nd FORM:
Anna- Lisa Bryan- Form 2T
Leianna Mitchell- Form 2S
3rd FORM:
Jayden Stephenson- Form 3Q
Honesia Dyer- Form 3Q
Always try to do your BEST in everything that you do but also know that we all learn at different paces and we are going through a looooottttt right now.
REMEMBER: Do NOT let anyone dictate YOUR pace. As long as you are contented with where you are it shouldn't matter that no one else is. Besides, and I quote; "You can't get so caught up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are"- (Michael Sheen).
Either way, I am still very proud that you are trying anyway and even if you fail, try again. Lots of love and virtual hugs.
Mrs. N. Harris- Williams
Visual Arts Teacher.