Welcome to my Web Page, Visual Arts 101 guys!
APPROPRIATION What is an Appropriation in Art? Appropriation in art is the use of pre-existing objects or images with little or no transformation applied to them. The use of appropriation has played a significant role in the history of the arts. Simply put, it is a slight modification of an art piece which MIGHT or MIGHT NOT ultimately alters its meaning.
It is VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE that in other circles, the word Appropriation can be considered to be controversial simply because it implies theft of ownership. This is not what we are focusing on for class and so, no, we are not stealing someone's idea or work. We are simply trying to establish the importance of learning from other artists who paved the way for Art as we know it today. See video below:
I hope this was helpful. See the Classroom for further instructions to complete your assignment.
Virtual Hugs,
Mrs. N. Harris-Williams.
That video was very instresting 🙂